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Customer Testimonials
Been consuming
@bieune.my for over a week now and I’ve seen my skin’s radiance improve significantly!
Highly recommend! ✨
@amandaimani -
B'IEUNE Beauty Drink, a sweet collagen as how it looks and it tasted. I love how It tastes, feel younger every sip I take.
@carynee -
Daily dose of collagen for that baby skin. Just add a sachet of @bieune.my to water and you’re set 😌
@gracemyu -
️ @bieune.my 帮你补充胶原蛋白,提亮肤色,帮助润滑关节软骨,促进新陈代谢,修复皮肤,缩小毛孔,增强免疫系统等等‼️@ariellekhaw -
My daily collagen drink @bieune.my B’IEUNE+5 main active ingredients that mainly helps with supplying collagen for the skin ,renew skin cells, improve fine lines, and reduce wrinkles ✨
@candylui_lkx -
Recently, I've come across @bieune.my, a botanical beverage drink with 5 active ingredients, that help improving skin moisture & elasticity. Giving us a flawless youthful look!
@immateapot -
还记得小时候 有个小男生跑过来跟我说:“你以后长大后 肯定很丑” 我问为什么呀 他说 🐥丑小鸭都是这样的 小时候长得丑长大后能当天鹅 🦢
#bieune #bieuneplus@tay_cheah
B'IEUNE's innovative design & technology utilises natural plant extracts to provide a glowing brilliance inside out.
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