Get our Huat-Derful CNY BIEUNE Collagen Duo for ONLY RM188!
Copy of All about B’IEUNE Collagen 2
B’IEUNE+ / Be Young
A botanical beverage mix of Acerola (Vitamin C) and Cantaloupe(SOD) extracts. A healthy drink that brings out your inner shine and flawless beauty from your very own skin!
隆重为您呈现 B'ieune+胶原蛋白 B'IEUNE+是由Acerola(维生素C)和针叶樱桃萃取(SOD)的提取物制作的一种健康的植物饮料,饮用本产品后,可以彰显您皮肤的内在光泽和完美无瑕的美丽!
B'IEUNE + beauty drink has a selection of / 5大活性成份
- Marine collagen / 胶原蛋白
- Natural chitin / 透明质酸
- L-cystine / L-胱氨酸
- Cantaloupe extract (SOD) / 天然SOD
- Natural acerola extract (vitamin C) / 针叶樱桃萃取 (天然维生素C)
The 5 main active ingredients that mainly helps with supplying collagen for the skin, renew skin cells, improve fine lines, and reduce wrinkles.